
Sequences are occurences of items in a row.

Here is a sequence of three items:

1 2 3 + 4    # results in a list (1, 2, 7)

For better readability, items of a sequence can be optionally separated by commas (,), so

1, 2, 3 + 4  # (1, 2, 7)

encodes the same.

All items of a sequence with a given severity are used to determine the result of the sequence. Therefore, these sequences return (1, 2, 7) in the above examples when entered in a Tokay REPL. This has to deal with the severities the items own.

The end of the sequence is delimited by a line-break, but the sequence can be wrapped into to multiple using a backslash before the line-break. So

1, 2 \
3 + 4  # (1, 2, 7)

means also the same as above.


The already executed items of a sequence are captured, so they can be accessed inside of the sequence using capture variables.

In the next example, the first capture, which holds the result 7 from the expression 3 + 4 is referenced with $1 and used in the second item as value of the expression. Referencing a capture which is out of bounds will just return void.

3 + 4, $1 * 2  # (7, 14)

Captures can also be re-assigned by subsequent items. The next one assigns a value at the second item to the first item, and uses the first item inside of the calculation. The second item which is the assignment, exists also as item of the sequence and refers to void, as all assignments do.

This is the reason why Tokay has two values to simply define nothing, which are void and null, but null has a higher precedence.

3 + 4, $1 = $1 * 2  # 14

As the result of the above sequence, just one value results which is 14, but the second item's value, void, has a lower severity than the calculated and assigned first value. This is the magic with sequences that you will soon figure out in detail, especially when tokens from streams are accessed and processed, or your programs work on extracted information from the input, and the automatic abstract syntax tree construction occurs.

As the last example, we shortly show how sequence items can also be named and accessed by a more meaningful name than just the index.

hello => "Hello", $hello = 3 * $hello  # (hello => "HelloHelloHello")

Here, the first item, which is referenced by the capture variable $hello is repeated 3 times as the second item.

It might be quite annoying, but the result of this sequence is a dict as shown in the comment. A dict is a hash-table where values can be referenced by a key.

If you come from Python, you might already know about list and dict objects. Their behavior and meaning is similar in Tokay.

Parsing input sequences

As Tokay is a programming language with built-in parsing capabilities, let's see how parsing integrates to sequences and captures.

Given the sequence

Word __ ''the'' __ Word

we make use of the built-in token Word which matches anything made of characters and digits, and the special constant __, which matches arbitrary whitespace, but at least one whitespace character must be present. Whitespace is anything represented by non-printable characters, like spaces or tabs.

We can now run this sequence on any input existing of three words, where the word in the middle is "the". Let's say

Save the planet

and we get the output

("Save", "the", "planet")

To try it out, either start a Tokay REPL with $ tokay -- "Save the planet" and enter the sequence Word __ ''the'' __ Word afterwards, or directly specify both at invocation, like
$ tokay "Word __ ''the'' __ Word" -- "Save the planet".

You will see, it's regardless of how many whitespace you insert, the result will always be the same. The reason for this are the item severities discussed earlier. Whitespace, used by the pre-defined constant __, has a lower severity, and therefore won't make it in the result of the sequence.

Using capture aliases

Captures can also have a name, called "alias". This is ideal for parsing, to give items meaningful names and make them independent from their position.

predicate => Word __ 'the' __ object => Word

will output

(object => "planet", predicate => "Save")

In this example, the match for the word ''the'' was degrated to a touch 'the', which has a lower item severity and won't make it into the sequence result.

This was done to make the output more clear, and because "the" is only an article without relevance to the meaning of the sentence we try to parse.

Now we can also work with alias variables inside of the sequence

predicate => Word __ 'the' __ object => Word \
    print("What to " + $predicate.lower() + "? The " + $object + "!")

will output

What to save? The planet!

The advantage here is, that we can change the sequence to further items in between, and don't have to change all references to these items in the print function call, because they are identified by name, and not by their offset, which might have changed.

The capture variable $0

There is also a special capture variable $0. It contains the input captured by the currently executed parselet the sequence belongs to. A parselet is a function that consumes some sort of input, which will be discussed later.

Let's see how all capture variables, including $0, are growing when the items from the examples above are being executed.

Capture $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
Alias $predicate $object
Item predicate => Word __ 'the' __ object => Word
Input "Save" " " "the" " " "planet"
$0 contains "Save" "Save " "Save the" "Save the " "Save the planet"

As you can see, $0 always contains the input matched so far from the start of the parselet.

$0 can also be assigned to any other value, which makes it the result of the parselet in case no other result of higher precedence was set.

Sequence interruption



Sequences define occurences of items. An item inside of a sequence can have a meanigful alias.

Every item of a sequence that has been executed is called a capture, and can be accessed using context-variables, either by their offset (position of occurence) like $1, $2, $3 or by their alias, like $predicate.

The special capture $0 provides the consumed information read so far by the parselet, and can also be set to a value.