Appendix E: Escape sequences

Escape sequences can be used inside of strings, match/touch tokens and character-classes to encode any unicode character. They are introduced with a backslash.

Escape-sequences should be used to simplify the source code and its readability, but any unicode character can also be directly expressed.

Sequence Description Examples
\a \b \f \n \r \t \v Bell (alert), backspace, formfeed, new line, carriage return, horizontal tab, vertical tab, "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v"
\' \" \\ Quotation marks, backslash "\'\"\\" # '"\
\ooo ASCII character in octal notation "\100" # @
\xhh ASCII character in hexadecimal notation "\xCA" # Ê
\uhhhh 16-Bit Unicode character in hexadecimal notation "\u20ac" # €
\Uhhhhhhhh 32-Bit Unicode character in hexadecimal notation "\U0001F98E" # 🦎